Obedience classes with a twist !

For those of you with your basic obedience skills who still want to take part in some training fun with your dog but dont want to go down the lines of competitive style obedience - these are the classes for you!!

I am designing the classes to encompass obedience skills, working on areas that you may need help with in your daily life with your dog such as jumping up, aggression, recall etc and most of all having fun with your dog by setting up small obstacle courses using tunnels, a tyre, a pause mat and numbered 'stations' where you will perhaps have to ask your dog to perform a trick or obedience task.  See how fast your dog learns when he is in a relaxed but fun atmosphere!!

I believe that the more you do with your dog, the more fun you have with your dog, the greater the bond becomes and teaching dogs to be well behaved and learn to control their impulse drives (the root of many 'problem behaviours') all becomes so much easier.

Everything you teach your dog will be done by luring and rewarding in a 'hands off' manner.

Photos to follow

Classes held on Sunday mornings and Tuesday afternoons at Wittersham Village Hall.  Please call Mel on 01797 270769 or 07500 131566 for details

New New New New - Puppy/pre-agility class

New - Puppy pre-agility fun at Wag n Bone.  Come along and have some fun with your puppy whilst teaching basic obedience, good manners and some safe, simple agility equipment.  Eight week course starting Tuesday 26th October 8-9pm

For those with dogs over a year old, Wag n Bone also has a beginners agility, eight week course starting on Tuesday 26th October at 7-8pm.

For further information or to enrol

Please mail mel@wagnbone.co.uk
or call me for a chat on 01797 270769
Bruno at the fete. Bruno is a rescue Staffy Cross from the Blue Cross in Northiam. I have had him some time now and at the grand old age of 8/9 yrs, he still loves doing his agility!

Wittersham Fete Agility Display - Ooops


Woody, Jack, Holly, Lenni, Guinness, Georgie, Charlie

The Dogs having Fun doing their display at the Fete






Wittersham Fete 19th June 2010

Here are some pictures of the lovely dogs who were involved in the display.
I will try and get as many on here as i can. Thanks to you all for coming along and joining in and thanks to Dave for taking these great photographs.